Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hailey Brooke Scott

Yesterday was a very special day for me and Ryan. At 1643 Hailey Brooke Scott was brought into this world and brought tears of joy and happiness. After a long process of trying to give naturally we decided to have a C-Section so that no more stress would be endured. With God looking over us he gave us this beautiful baby girl that weighed a whopping 5 pounds 14 ounces. Here are some pictures of this miraculous event. Please leave comments and more will follow. Thanks to everyone for their care and concern.

Monday, April 12, 2010


First off I have to thank two people that made this wonderful gift possible. Thank you so much Chris for taking your time to make this gift special and beautiful. Shannon thank you for taking these beautiful pictures so that this could be possible. It has been so hard being away from Kimmie and missing so much. I am so blessed to have made it home prior to the birth of our beautiful baby girl "Hailey Brooke Scott". We both are very nervous about tomorrow's arrival but are ready for what is to come. Thanks to everyone who supports us and keeps us going on a daily basis. We love you and can't wait to introduce Hailey to everyone. By the way, I think it was harder giving the gift rather than her receiving it. Hope you enjoy the video.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Maternity Photos

A few days ago I went to visit my sister and to do a photo shoot. I wanted to surprise Ryan with some maternity pictures since he cant be here to see it everyday. Well I have to say that my sister did a WONDERFUL job and Ryan loved the pictures! Shannon did my hair, my makeup, and helped me pick out a wardrobe. Thank you very much Shannon for taking the time to do this for us! I couldn't have asked for a better photographer, or better pictures! Not to mention how much fun we had doing them.

Here are a few of the 300 plus pictures we took!

32 Weeks update

Wow I cant believe we are at the 8 month mark already!! Only 8 more weeks to go! I'm so excited and ready to meet my little girl! Well thankfully everything is still going good, I thank God every night for a healthy pregnancy. I did have to go to the hospital last week though. I was having really bad back pains and cramping and after calling the doctor he thought it was best for me to go to get checked out. So after a couple of hours, and them running every possible not so fun tests, I was told I had to stay overnight. They said everything looked ok but they were not sure what was causing the pain and wanted to make sure Hailey and I were ok. I was also told that I was on a clear liquid diet..I was NOT a happy camper. So they gave me some chicken broth and one cup of yeah right. Thankfully the nurse was super sweet and gave me 5 more jellos! Well after a pretty much sleepless night, I woke up and went to get an ultrasound of my gall bladder. They thought something might be wrong with it because I still throw up almost every time I eat. After that they finally let me eat, Oh boy did I eat everything they gave me!! Finally the doctor came in and said everything was good and I was ok to go home. He said that the pains could be from scar tissue from my endrometriosis stretching. Whatever it was it was quite painful!

But I went home and got allot of rest and just thanked God that everything was ok. It was a very scary time for all of us! A big thanks to Mom and Momma Marilyn for taking care of me! You two are the best! Other than that the past few weeks have been pretty uneventful..Just waiting on our little angel to get here! At my last doctors appointment she told me that Hailey is still head up. Which is ok, as long as she turns by 36 weeks. So lets all pray that she turns by then so we can have a natural birth and not a C-section.

I have this game going where I don't weigh myself at home I wait to see how much weight I gain every time I go to the doctor. I figure if I'm going to gain weight I mine as well make it fun! I have gained a total of 22 pounds during the pregnancy so far, and now is when I start getting really big! We are counting down the days until April, Ryan gets to come home and we all get to meet Hailey!! I am so excited I cant stand it, I am so ready to see my wonderful husband again and I cant wait to meet our little girl! We love and miss you very much Ryan!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks..enjoy!

26 Weeks

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

Movin and groovin...

So our little Hailey just loves to roll all around in my belly and headbutt me! I have been trying for a few months now to catch it on video but it seems every time she starts moving and I grab the camera she stops, or it doesn't show up on the video. Well Im happy to announce I finally caught her on film!! Now when you watch this keep in mind that it doesnt show up on video very well, it doesn't show how much she is actually moving! I keep trying to show Ryan on the web cam and he just couldnt see it so now he can finaly see his little girl moving around! We sure wish he could be here to experience this with us but I know that he has a bigger duty right now. We love you Ryan!! Enjoy the video...

Friday, January 8, 2010

25 Weeks update

Hello everyone! It seems Im not so good at keeping up with the blog!! Sorry I promise to try harder! Today I went to get an anatomy ultrasound in which they ceck for certain birth defects. They checked the heart, the spine, the eyes, the nose and mouth, the brain, the bones, the kidney, the bladder and the list goes on..Bascially they checked everything possible. What was really nice about it was that they told you right then and there if something was wrong, so you dont have to sit and worry waiting for the results. Well I am very pleased to announce that everything was normal! They said that Hailey is foing great, growing just like she should. I feel so blessed to know that our little girl is healthy and happy.

Well I am 25 weeks now and over the past few weeks I have grown some, and so has Hailey! Today by measuring her they said that she is one pound ten ounces! She was so little for so long that this is a big deal to me! She still has more growing to do before we can meet her though! She is a very active baby, always movin and groovin. My favorite time of day is when I am laying down to go to sleep at night, thats when she wakes up. She starts dancing around and I lay there with my hand on my belly feeling her move. I still believe that it is the most awesome feeling in the world, nothing can top that.

We sure wish Ryan could be here with us during this time, but he is doing his job and for that I am so proud of him. We love you very much baby! Cant wait to see you in April! Well I go back to the doctor on the 18th and I will update more then. Until then here are some pictures from the past few weeks for you all to enjoy. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

24 Weeks

23 Weeks

22 Weeks

21 Weeks

20 Weeks

25 Week ultrasound

Friday, November 27, 2009

Baby Bump

Well I am at 19 weeks now, we are almost halfway done! Which means halfway to meeting our sweet baby girl! I'm growing more and more everyday! I love seeing my belly grow, its such an amazing experience and I have never felt so blessed. I sure wish that Ryan could be here to enjoy this experience with me but I know he is doing something very important for all of us! And when we talk on yahoo messenger with the web cam he is always asking to see my belly. Or as he says..."let me see my baby"! Ha Its so awesome to see his face light up.

Well I have been to the doctor a few times now and thankfully all the test have come back negative. So we have a healthy little baby growing! I am so thankful to know that everything is going as it should, its such a relief to know everything is well. I am moving back home so I will have to go find a new doctor but at least I get to go to a private doctor now which I feel will be more personable. I did get another ultrasound but the pictures didn't come out well so when I get the next one I will put those up.

I felt her kick for the first time last week. I was laying in bed and felt a weird thump. At first I had no idea what it was and then a few seconds later she did it again and at that moment I knew what it was. I layed there feeling her kick and yes I did cry! It was such an awesome feeling, the most awesome thing I have ever felt in my life. Now she kicks alot. Its still small little kicks but I love it when she does. I tried to let mom feel it but when she puts her hand on my belly she cant feel it, and neither can I with my hand. I guess she has to get a little bigger and stronger before other people can feel it.

I cant even put into words how thankful I am to be able to go through this wonderful experience. I am so excited to be a mommy! God has truly blessed Ryan and I and I cant wait until our sweet daughter is here with us!

Here are some pictures of my growing belly..

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 Weeks

Here are some pictures my sister took on thanksgiving of me and my belly...

My soldier

Well alot has happened since my last post so here is an update! First of all today marks a month that Ryan has been gone. He was originally supposed to leave on October 29th but that didn't work out! Well we took him, hung out for a few hours and finally said our goodbyes. We left around midnight and around two am he called and told us that his flight got canceled and to come pick him up. It sure was hard to say goodbye and then have to do it all over again the next night but I feel that we were blessed to have another night together. And it actually was much easier the second night. Now that a month has passed I know each month will get easier!

Ryan is doing good, he is currently in Iraq and working very hard! He took some pictures and his brigade also put some pictures up of him on facebook. It so great to see his face and to see him smiling. It also helps seeing where he is instead of having to wonder what it looks like. Lets all remember that it can be difficult for our soldiers that are overseas and it always helps to get letters, cards, and anything you would like to send. So here is his current address and his command says they will be moving around alot so as the address changes I will let everyone know!
Sgt Ryan Scott
3-7 CAV
FOB Diamonback

To my wonderful husband...Baby I am so proud of you! You are my hero and I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you so much for sacrificing a year of your life so that all of us can have these wonderful safe lives. I know this time will go by fast and before you know it we will be together again. Keep your head up and stay focused on your mission so you can make it home safely to me and our baby that will be here soon!

Here are some pictures of my handsome soldier...
