Friday, November 27, 2009

Baby Bump

Well I am at 19 weeks now, we are almost halfway done! Which means halfway to meeting our sweet baby girl! I'm growing more and more everyday! I love seeing my belly grow, its such an amazing experience and I have never felt so blessed. I sure wish that Ryan could be here to enjoy this experience with me but I know he is doing something very important for all of us! And when we talk on yahoo messenger with the web cam he is always asking to see my belly. Or as he says..."let me see my baby"! Ha Its so awesome to see his face light up.

Well I have been to the doctor a few times now and thankfully all the test have come back negative. So we have a healthy little baby growing! I am so thankful to know that everything is going as it should, its such a relief to know everything is well. I am moving back home so I will have to go find a new doctor but at least I get to go to a private doctor now which I feel will be more personable. I did get another ultrasound but the pictures didn't come out well so when I get the next one I will put those up.

I felt her kick for the first time last week. I was laying in bed and felt a weird thump. At first I had no idea what it was and then a few seconds later she did it again and at that moment I knew what it was. I layed there feeling her kick and yes I did cry! It was such an awesome feeling, the most awesome thing I have ever felt in my life. Now she kicks alot. Its still small little kicks but I love it when she does. I tried to let mom feel it but when she puts her hand on my belly she cant feel it, and neither can I with my hand. I guess she has to get a little bigger and stronger before other people can feel it.

I cant even put into words how thankful I am to be able to go through this wonderful experience. I am so excited to be a mommy! God has truly blessed Ryan and I and I cant wait until our sweet daughter is here with us!

Here are some pictures of my growing belly..

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 Weeks

Here are some pictures my sister took on thanksgiving of me and my belly...

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! You look amazing girlie. Isn't it so great being preggo?! I can't wait to feel Hailey kick! I used to love that feeling....I was sad when I had Marissa b/c I knew I wouldn't be able to feel that again. I's something special that you and your unborn child share. Can't wait to see more pics....keep taking them!

