Friday, January 8, 2010

25 Weeks update

Hello everyone! It seems Im not so good at keeping up with the blog!! Sorry I promise to try harder! Today I went to get an anatomy ultrasound in which they ceck for certain birth defects. They checked the heart, the spine, the eyes, the nose and mouth, the brain, the bones, the kidney, the bladder and the list goes on..Bascially they checked everything possible. What was really nice about it was that they told you right then and there if something was wrong, so you dont have to sit and worry waiting for the results. Well I am very pleased to announce that everything was normal! They said that Hailey is foing great, growing just like she should. I feel so blessed to know that our little girl is healthy and happy.

Well I am 25 weeks now and over the past few weeks I have grown some, and so has Hailey! Today by measuring her they said that she is one pound ten ounces! She was so little for so long that this is a big deal to me! She still has more growing to do before we can meet her though! She is a very active baby, always movin and groovin. My favorite time of day is when I am laying down to go to sleep at night, thats when she wakes up. She starts dancing around and I lay there with my hand on my belly feeling her move. I still believe that it is the most awesome feeling in the world, nothing can top that.

We sure wish Ryan could be here with us during this time, but he is doing his job and for that I am so proud of him. We love you very much baby! Cant wait to see you in April! Well I go back to the doctor on the 18th and I will update more then. Until then here are some pictures from the past few weeks for you all to enjoy. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

24 Weeks

23 Weeks

22 Weeks

21 Weeks

20 Weeks

25 Week ultrasound


  1. Love the updates! You look great girl. So happy to hear that Little Miss is growing and is healthy. I can't wait for her to get her so Marissa can see her baby cousin! Thinking we might have to "give" Hailey her pacis! Sound like a good idea??

  2. Oh my Gosh! Now that's my girl! She looks better than the other ultrasound that I thought was her. LOL! I can't believe I thought that. She is so precious and has such a "little nose". Can't wait to see and hold her in real life.

    Mimi and Papaw

