Friday, November 27, 2009

My soldier

Well alot has happened since my last post so here is an update! First of all today marks a month that Ryan has been gone. He was originally supposed to leave on October 29th but that didn't work out! Well we took him, hung out for a few hours and finally said our goodbyes. We left around midnight and around two am he called and told us that his flight got canceled and to come pick him up. It sure was hard to say goodbye and then have to do it all over again the next night but I feel that we were blessed to have another night together. And it actually was much easier the second night. Now that a month has passed I know each month will get easier!

Ryan is doing good, he is currently in Iraq and working very hard! He took some pictures and his brigade also put some pictures up of him on facebook. It so great to see his face and to see him smiling. It also helps seeing where he is instead of having to wonder what it looks like. Lets all remember that it can be difficult for our soldiers that are overseas and it always helps to get letters, cards, and anything you would like to send. So here is his current address and his command says they will be moving around alot so as the address changes I will let everyone know!
Sgt Ryan Scott
3-7 CAV
FOB Diamonback

To my wonderful husband...Baby I am so proud of you! You are my hero and I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you so much for sacrificing a year of your life so that all of us can have these wonderful safe lives. I know this time will go by fast and before you know it we will be together again. Keep your head up and stay focused on your mission so you can make it home safely to me and our baby that will be here soon!

Here are some pictures of my handsome soldier...

1 comment:

  1. Another good post! Thanks for putting up these pics! Yes, it makes it easier knowing that he can smile over there. I am proud of him and I know he hates being away from you,but at least you get to communicate with him. Thanks again for supporting him. It means a lot!

