Saturday, October 24, 2009

3D Ultrasound!!

Today Ryan, his mom, and I went to a 3d ultrasound place in Summerville called Small wonders. The lady there was really sweet and we were very pleased! She spent alot of time with us and gave us alot of helpful information. We went with the hopes of finding out the gender of the baby before Ryan leaves for Iraq. She said she cant be excatly sure yet since I am only 14 weeks..but she thinks it is a girl. Im hoping thats true, but either way we will be happy. If it is a girl her name is going to be Hailey Brooke Scott..But if it turns out to be a little boy it will be Aiden Maxwell Scott.

Well we ended up getting a 3D ultrasound also, which was really amazing! We got a CD with all the pictures on it, 4 black and white print outs, 2 color print outs, and a DVD with the baby moving all around on it! She was moving around like crazy today during the ultrasound up until the point that we tried to find out the gender. Then she didnt want to cooperate! But we finally got her to move around again. So here are some of the better pictures for you all to see.. I hope you enjoy them as much as Ryan and I did! It sure was amazing to see our little angels face.

Thank you momma Marilyn for going with us, we are glad you got to share in that experience with us. Mom, we wish you could have been there too but I know you will be at every appointment with me! It really was a wonderful experience, I feel so blessed to have this little miracle growing inside of me and I cant wait to meet her!!


  1. Nice post - 3d ultrasound pictures ..Keep Posting

    3d ultrasound pictures

  2. Kimmie, Ryan, and new baby:

    Our new sweet granddaughter is on the way.....or maybe grandson. I still think it's a girl. Thank you so much for asking me to go with ya'll to experience the 3D ultrasound. It was soooo exciting to see an actual little person growing in your tummy at just 14.5 weeks. How anyone can deny God and His creations after seeing this is besides me. God is real and He is Good!!!

    We can't wait until that special day in April. I know Ryan is excited and wishes he could spend this time with you and the baby. Haley will be proud that her daddy is fighting for our country and she can't wait to see him either.

    Kimmie, we love you and your family and are glad you are a part of ours.

    Take care and call us.....

    Granny and Papaw :)::):)

