Thursday, February 25, 2010

32 Weeks update

Wow I cant believe we are at the 8 month mark already!! Only 8 more weeks to go! I'm so excited and ready to meet my little girl! Well thankfully everything is still going good, I thank God every night for a healthy pregnancy. I did have to go to the hospital last week though. I was having really bad back pains and cramping and after calling the doctor he thought it was best for me to go to get checked out. So after a couple of hours, and them running every possible not so fun tests, I was told I had to stay overnight. They said everything looked ok but they were not sure what was causing the pain and wanted to make sure Hailey and I were ok. I was also told that I was on a clear liquid diet..I was NOT a happy camper. So they gave me some chicken broth and one cup of yeah right. Thankfully the nurse was super sweet and gave me 5 more jellos! Well after a pretty much sleepless night, I woke up and went to get an ultrasound of my gall bladder. They thought something might be wrong with it because I still throw up almost every time I eat. After that they finally let me eat, Oh boy did I eat everything they gave me!! Finally the doctor came in and said everything was good and I was ok to go home. He said that the pains could be from scar tissue from my endrometriosis stretching. Whatever it was it was quite painful!

But I went home and got allot of rest and just thanked God that everything was ok. It was a very scary time for all of us! A big thanks to Mom and Momma Marilyn for taking care of me! You two are the best! Other than that the past few weeks have been pretty uneventful..Just waiting on our little angel to get here! At my last doctors appointment she told me that Hailey is still head up. Which is ok, as long as she turns by 36 weeks. So lets all pray that she turns by then so we can have a natural birth and not a C-section.

I have this game going where I don't weigh myself at home I wait to see how much weight I gain every time I go to the doctor. I figure if I'm going to gain weight I mine as well make it fun! I have gained a total of 22 pounds during the pregnancy so far, and now is when I start getting really big! We are counting down the days until April, Ryan gets to come home and we all get to meet Hailey!! I am so excited I cant stand it, I am so ready to see my wonderful husband again and I cant wait to meet our little girl! We love and miss you very much Ryan!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks..enjoy!

26 Weeks

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. I love watching you grow! Gosh I can't wait to see you in a few weeks. I want to rub that belly and feel my niece kick! Go Hailey! We love yall so much! See you soon!

