Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hailey Brooke Scott

Yesterday was a very special day for me and Ryan. At 1643 Hailey Brooke Scott was brought into this world and brought tears of joy and happiness. After a long process of trying to give naturally we decided to have a C-Section so that no more stress would be endured. With God looking over us he gave us this beautiful baby girl that weighed a whopping 5 pounds 14 ounces. Here are some pictures of this miraculous event. Please leave comments and more will follow. Thanks to everyone for their care and concern.


  1. I just love all the pictures of Hailey!! Marissa loved looking at them too. She kept saying Turn Back!! We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to actually MEET HER! Congrats!!

  2. I'm friends with Amy, and her joy of her niece is addicting :) Congratulations, she is beautiful!!!! Enjoy every single moment!

  3. I'm a blogging friend of Amy's, so I've been keeping up with your pregnancy. Ha! :) I just cried reading your post because any child being born is a miracle! So happy for you and especially happy that your husband could be there for the birth of your beautiful! I will pray for you and your family.

